April 16, 2014

Sometimes it's the pain we can't explain
that hurts the most,
The pain that wears the soul brings together
struggling hearts,
The ache we can't soothe away
wells tears in our eyes.

Nothing can wish away
the pain inside,
No one can hold us
long enough,
And we find ourselves
crying "Why?"

We can't rationalize,
we can't sleep,
We don't want to
All we want is to feel
whole again.

But pain won't be
around forever.
Ache will remain but the sting
won't be as strong.
Arms will be strong enough
to hold us while tears stream down.

The storm will move on but clouds
will never leave.
Those arms that hold us while
sorrows overflow
Will stay around our waist
while needed.

But will we ever say
"no" to love?
Oh, friend, no. For it is love
that binds the broken heart.
And love will be the