March 6, 2014

daring to dream

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
//Corrie Ten Boom

Dreaming is hard.

It's hard to indulge the dreamer inside. To totally let go and just love thinking about big ideas.
It's scary. Pangs of fear hit me right in the stomach.
It's exciting. Not letting stereotypes bar you, or realities crush you.
It's waiting. There's adventure around that next turn.

The last week or so, my dad has been challenging me to dream. To think about who I am, who I want to become. To find out what I really want to do with my life. To think about what I want to study in school... and eventually, what I want to pursue as a career. And it's hard to stand up, be honest about what I feel and say "I want to do ____!" and be confident about it. Because honestly, there are days I don't even know whether or not I want to get out of bed, brush my teeth and get dressed...much less being able to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.

But... I was talking with a friend and something I said during that conversation surprised me. I said I want to live everyday to the full in light of eternity. I want to live in the moment - so much so that each and every day just spills over with happiness and memories, and love, and tears, and laughter, and hurt, and some more love - with the rest of my life and eternity in mind.

It shocked me when I actually started listening to myself.

So, I have a new philosophy. Each day I want to look forward to evaluate some things. Does what I'm doing now matter right now? How about in the long run? How am I using my gifts to serve? Am I a joyful person? Am I sharing life, joy, Jesus, and love with others?

I want to live every moment of every day thinking about the rest of my life