November 7, 2013

recently | vol. 2 - my life since august

This blogging once a month thing stinks.

I'm not going to make excuses like "My life has been crazy." But for real, it has.

Ya'll, life is real + honest. Brutally honest, sometimes. It's filled with wandering thoughts, fervent opinions, long talks, lots of food, heart hurts, belly laughs, gut wrenching tears, short nights, hard decisions, dear friends, and homework. Ah, homework. Lots and lots of homework.

So, yeah. School, church, family, school, work, friends and more school. I've also got several design + photography projects are under wraps presently. I literally can't wait to share them!!!

So my life = normally cray-cray. I love it that way :) Anyhoo... here's some Instagrams to catch you up on my oh so exciting life.

Happy Thursday!!

ps. these pictures are super big and somewhat (really) pixelated. excuse that, please. i'm still working through some formatting/design stuff.

(my sister made brownies)

(designing late at night)

(one of my kindred spirits + I at Max Patch)

(fierce friends after paintball)

(wood chopping machines)

Also... is it obvious that I love Whitagram? :)

(i'm an adult with business cards now)

(when the leaves first started to change colors)

(bonfires are the bomb dot com)

(hashtag amberlynnandkhloepaige)

(one of the real sides of being an adult)

(sisters. we stick together like three birds of a feather)

(Nashville after dark)

(more of Max Patch)

(soon to be turned into homemade fig newtons)

(her little face)

("We're going to sell them an legal addictive stimulant." - aka coffee - i'm hooked)

(fueling my obsession with the sky + clouds)

(solo road trip selfie)

(because my outfit was that cute that day)

(not a tat... just writing on myself)

(these kids <3 )

(an artsy picture of crafty me)

("I was riding shotgun with my hair undone" - not in the front seat of his car)

(lemon bars. personal fav.)

My life since August. Pretty cool, huh? ;)