November 11, 2013

Denham + Grace | Engaged


A girl + boy are in the same friend group + develop a friendship. After a while the girl begins to wonder what her true feelings towards this guy are + if there's any possibility he could feel the same. Spring break changed everything. After a late night of playing Spades (with him + some friends) this girl confesses to her roommates that she might like this guy. They all giggle and share their crushes + worries + dreams + "does he like me?"s.

The next day this girl and boy end up sitting on the beach and talking for hours and hours and hours. A friend considered crashing their little conversation, but held back because she wasn't sure how serious + personal the conversation was. Turns out, the whole of the afternoon conversation was a confession of "I really like you" + "can I pursue you?" This girl and her roommates talked long into the night about how ironic it was that just last night she was wondering if he even liked her. Guess she didn't have to wonder about that one any more!

They dated for 6-7 months. Then one day he took her on her first trip to Max Patch on a picnic date. During the obligatory raise-your-hands-to-the-sky-silhouette picture, she was turned around and he was "taking her picture". When she turned around, he was down on one knee with a letter and a small box. She said "Yes!" before he could even finish getting the words out.


That's the story of Denham + Grace. It's adorable! It's that we're friends, but I like you - Ohmygosh, you like me too?! - *start dating* - We really like each other - Will you marry me? YES!! story. Yep, super cute.

I love the fact that I got to witness lots of these events actually happen. Grace and I have been dear friends for almost 2 years and it was such a joy to watch their story unfold. Funny thing... I was one of Grace's roommates on that spring break trip. Annnnd........ I was the friend that thought about bursting in on that conversation on the beach. Hehehe... yeah. Let's talk about how glad I am that I did't do that!!!

So Grace called me + asked if I would take their engagement pictures. I missed her call, but when I heard her voicemail my response was my excited dance. If you haven't seen it, I'm super glad! Just picture me doing high-knees, jumping around, giggling, and clapping my hands. Yeah. Actually don't picture that... it's embarrassing :)

On Saturday I spent the afternoon with Denham + Grace running around the fields of a farm, climbing over fences, dodging cow patties, drinking hot chocolate, and trying not to fall in the pond. We laughed a lot. It was fantastic!

Denham, Grace, I just love you two! Thanks for such a fun-filled afternoon! You were adorable. And all the great pictures we got?... I hope you like them!!