September 24, 2013

free - part 1 | personal

Long time, no post, huh? Sorry 'bout that. I started college classes again last month, and I'm still settling back into the routine of school, work, church, chores, hobbies, and such other nonsense.

So, here's a little something I've been working on. I've got other photo essay posts I'm working on, but as I stated before.... trying to find the time to edit just a little is rough :)


I know I'm free.

Free from so many things. Free in so many things.

Then why do I sometimes feel so shackled, bound and lost?

I'm physically free in America. I'm free to speak, live, work, and be who I want to be. My rights as a woman are not constrained, I have just as much right as a man. Yet, how do I use those rights? My conviction is that my place is that of a follower. Not that I don't have a voice. I do. And I feel it's my duty to use it, but as a woman, I am to follow the leadership God places over me. There are securities and challenges in placing trust in someone other than myself.

I'm spiritually free in Christ. I'm no longer bound by my sin. I'm no longer destined to die and live eternity in Hell. I'm free to live every moment to its fullest- for the glory of God. I'm free to look forward to spending eternity in Heaven singing praises to my King!


Still a work in progress, but anyhoo. Ahhhh!! Have a lovely Tuesday, my friends!