August 15, 2013

playing mommy for the weekend

*background information: Amelia is 7, Aiden is 5 and Ava is 21 months. I had custody of the littles from Friday afternoon to Sunday at dinner time.*

I had grand plans for the weekend. Tie-dye, library movies, sheet tents in the living room, Menchie's, staying up late, and cinnamon rolls. Fun things. I wanted to make a short video of the weekend, all the activities we were going to do, the jokes Aiden was going to tell, everything. Well....that was the plan on Friday before lunch.

Friday started off wonderfully! A friend came and hung out with me and the littles (hi Manju!! :)), my mom brought me a surprise humongousgracious cinnamon roll from Panera. I situated 1 car-seat and 2 booster seats into the back of our Chevy Avalanche (it's a tight squeeze, ya'll), and then managed to somehow get all 3 munchkins, Manju and myself in for a trip to the library.

The library was an adventure. Ava suddenly thought giggling and squealing was the best thing on the planet, Amelia and Aiden couldn't agree on a movie, and Manju and I couldn't get under the 4 DVD limit with all of our choices :) Thankfully, I smiled and we all picked one movie.

We got home and had pizza in the living room on a picnic blanket while watching Little House on the Prairie. Manju and I laughed at their 60's hairdos,  I forgot to cut up vegetables and fruit with dinner, and then we ate icecream cones for dessert. Yes. Me. The healthy-food-choices babysitter. hehe

Food, diapers, baths, books, brush-your-teeth, and many tuck-you-ins later, Manju and I stayed up late after several hours of YouTube and girl-heart-to-heart-talks.

Saturday started at 6:56am when I bolted out of bed to respond to Ava's cry for "Koe." I tried to get her to snuggle and go back to sleep, but she'd been asleep for 10 hours and was wide awake ready to start her little day. *little bit of a laughing groan*

The big kids got up around 7:30 and after scarfing their waffles down from pure excitement we tie-dyed our shirts in the driveway. I don't know how we did it, but we managed to keep the dye off of our clothes, except for a few splats each. And seriously..... part of my hand turned black.

We were on the trampoline for hours and got sweeeeaaaatttyyyy. We had arguments, I answered a million questions every hour, and the baby cried when I told her she couldn't throw the crayons across the room, and we wet to visit my house so I could shower. (Thank you, Lord, for the time alone in the shower!!)

Sunday morning. Oh, I'm very proud of Sunday morning! Church is at 10am and the kids get up at 7ish. I made the cinnamon rolls for breakfast the night before, eggs and fruit were made by 7:30. All the kids were dressed, fed and brushed up and down by 9:00 and we left shortly after for our 30 minute drive. I stopped for some Starbucks on the way to church (I needed the caffeine) and we beat my parents to church by about 30 seconds. Me on my own with 3 kids versus my parents with two grown children... and I won. Hehe. I was so proud of myself!

It didn't go as planned, but hey, it was so much fun! I didn't record the activities with a video camera like my creative mind would've liked to, but I made the memories, and that's the important part! Oh so many fun memories! And iPhone pictures are better than nothing!

I forget how much work a mother's day to day life is. All the diapers. All the food. All the questions! Faithful, humble, enduring, persistent, wonderful women our mothers are, people!!! Go and give your mom a hug, please! And thank her for answering all of your questions for all of these years. And making you food. And teaching you to behave. And reading book upon book upon book. It will mean a lot to her!

So, stop reading and go do it. Now!!!
Please and thank you :)

: not captured :
singing "Old McDonald" in the car
trying to quiet a giggling Ava in the library
mastering the backbend on the trampoline
snuggling sleepy little babies
having an indoor picnic
all the diapers changed
Cookies and Cream ice-cream cones
laughing at Little House on the Prairie
pulling a splinter out of Aiden's toe
painting itty-bitty fingernails
little helpers cleaning the house
Amelia helping to cut strawberries
bath time and bubbles everywhere
pajamaed bodies running around the house
Aiden brushing Ava's hair and putting a little bow in it
all the lemonade and Smarties Manju and I ate

Happy Thursday, friends!

ps. my college friends are moving back this week and I.can'!!!!!!