July 16, 2013

six thousand nine hundred forty

18 was good to me.

I graduated high school.
I went to college.
I traveled many places.
I made fantastic friends.
I learned many many things.

Yep, it was good.

So, 19. What do you have to say for yourself?
(that's six thousand nine hundred and forty days... just so you know)

Nineteen is traditionally a weird year. From my point of view, at least. You've gotten over the thrill of being 18- an adult. You're not quite 20... it's your last year as a teenager. It's this in between, awkward, make-a-name-for-yourself and get-your-act-together kind of year.... and I can't wait to see what happens.

My word for 19? Bold.

(that is not a real tattoo. my mom wouldn't like that. at all) :)

I want to be bold. I want to take chances. I want to live each moment to it's fullest.
Not in the cliche "You only live once" way. But in the God has given me the gift of life, and I want to enjoy every minute of it, for His glory!

I feel like this year is going to bring many changes. Good changes. Changes that will make me step out + be bold. Changes that will encourage me to find my joy + peace in God and not in my circumstances... cuz they are gonna be cray-cray!!

I know that a couple of big things are going to happen. 

Number one: Some of you know this, but here is the official announcement. My family and I are moving to the Nashville, TN area to be a part of a church planting team! We hope to move sometime before the year is out. Redeeming Grace Church of Nashville will be launching in the beginning of October and our goal is to be fully moved in time for the first Sunday. There is a lot I could say about the process I've been through with this whole moving deal, but that would be a whole blog post by itself.

Number two: I'm going back to school!!! I sat the last semester out, because we thought we were moving sooner. I took the semester to restudy for the ACT, to try and raise my score. It didn't work, but lets leave that story there. I'm going back to pick up where I left off with my graphic design degree. Doing what I love. Sharing visions and stories. Love it!

I have so many dreams for this year. I want to travel. I want to take pictures. I want to live life. I want to use my gifts to bless other people. I want to buy a 50mm lens. I want to buy an ENO hammock. I want to value friendships as they come + as they go. I want to build my brand. I want to thrive wherever I am. I want to read through the Bible in a year (so far so good). I want to spend special time with my sisters. I want to love. I want to be a dreamer.

"Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true."
// Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, yeah. Here's to you 19. Let's make it dandy!