January 23, 2014

sounds of January - a monthly mixtape

January is always full of New Year's Resolutions. Things I decide I want to do, I promise to do, and then things that end up not happening. Well, one of the new things I want to start doing this year is to establish some consistency in posting. I know, I know... I say that every year... maybe even every few months. But this time - I mean it. (everyone laugh with/at me now) :)
So, one of these new things is sharing a monthly mixtape. Stuff I'm listening to, songs I'm obsessed with, moody songs that just fit my moods sometimes. 'Cuz you all are so curious about what I do with my life, right!? Haha, yeah. Me neither. I have a really random taste in music. Just a warning.
Anyhoo, here's January 2014 Mixtape. Enjoy!
(and follow me on Spotify!?)